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An American in Paris since 2014, Stacey has been passionate about music her whole life. She was raised in California by parents who loved music. She studied piano and string bass, sang in choirs and cappella groups, and played in orchestras and musical theaters. She worked as a vocalist in Japan, then a singing bartender in NYC, while building an events management career in media and non-profit groups.


In 2015, Stacey took a break from her events career to teach English, theater and music in public and private schools across Paris with the association Sing and Play. In 2017, Stacey began leading music and English classes at the Bilingual Montessori School of Paris.


Stacey also founded Bébé Music Box in 2017 to bring Music Together's award-winning music and movement classes to families and schools in Paris. You can read the Bébé Music Box founding story on Inspirelle!

Meet James Elliott, bilingual pianist teacher and dad


Born in Paris to a Belgian mother and British father, James was raised bilingual and musical. His mother played the piano and sang lullabies and nursery rhymes as a ritual before dinner.  His grandmother was a professional pianist.


James loves playing the piano: a lot of classical - mostly his favourite, Chopin - but also pop and soul music.  


He works in Publishing and discovered Music Together as a parent with his eldest son, who was 2, at the time. He immediately fell in love with the program and enjoyed each weekly class as much as his son!  


In 2021, James became a trained Music Together  teacher and is very happy to join Stacey in this adventure to present the wonders of  Music Together to Parisian families.

Né à Paris d’une mère belge et d’un père britannique,  James a grandi bilingue et entouré de musique. Sa mère jouait du piano en lui chantant des berceuses tous les soirs avant le dîner. Sa grand-mère était pianiste professionnelle.

James aime jouer du piano : beaucoup de classique – surtout Chopin, son préféré – mais aussi de la pop et de la soul.

James travaille dans l’édition et a découvert Music Together en tant que parent avec son fils aîné qui avait 2 ans à l’époque. Il adhère immédiatement au programme et s’amuse chaque semaine en cours autant que son fils.


En 2021, il suit la formation de professeur Music Together. James est très content de rejoindre Stacey pour faire découvrir aux familles parisiennes toutes les merveilles du programme Music Together. 


Born and raised in Rome, Valentina is a seasoned early childhood English teacher who has deep experience working with public daycares, schools and libraries in and around Paris. Perhaps you recognize her from the Valentina's Music Storytime videos and workshops?


Valentina discovered Music Together at an American Library in Paris workshop. A firm believer in music as the greatest facilitator for early language learning, she fell instantly in love with the program philosophy and wanted to learn more. She asked Stacey to sit in on some classes.


She completed her formal Music Together teacher training in 2022 and is enchanted to join Stacey in bringing this joyful program to families in Neuilly and Saint-Cloud.

Meet Valentina Loizzo Marcotte, story time and music teacher

Parisienne née à Rome, Valentina enseigne l’anglais dans les crèches, les écoles et les médiathèques publiques autour de Paris. Vous la connaissez peut-être grâce à ses vidéos et ses ateliers Valentina's Music Storytime ?


Elle découvre Music Together lors d’une présentation à la Bibliothèque américaine de Paris.


Convaincue que la musique est le moyen le plus rapide pour apprendre une langue, elle adhère immédiatement à la philosophie de Music Together. Elle demande à Stacey de pouvoir assister à ses cours.


Ayant achevée sa formation d'enseignante Music Together en 2022, elle se réjouit de pouvoir partager ce programme ludique avec les familles à Neuilly et à Saint-Cloud.


Meet Elena Johnson, super-fun ECE teacher, singing teacher and mom

Elena’s path to music education began in 2019 when she moved from the U.S. to Paris. While working in a kindergarten-conservatory and training in the Montessori method (completed in 2021), she developed a fundamental understanding of the important role music plays in early childhood education and a strong desire to integrate more music into classrooms.


Although Elena didn’t come from a particularly musical family, she began playing piano at a young age. However, her true passion was singing, and in Paris she began taking vocal lessons. Her journey took an exciting turn when she was introduced to Music Together at the school where she worked. She immediately connected with its philosophy - that every child is innately musical and capable of learning how to express and embrace their musicality.


When Elena discovered that Music Together offered classes for babies, she joined with her own son and felt the joy that comes from sharing music with him and other families. This experience deeply inspired her to complete her Music Together training, and she’s now excited to start this new chapter, bringing the warmth and joy of music to families in her community.

Elena est entrée dans l'éducation musicale en 2019 lorsqu'elle est arrivée à Paris depuis les Etats-Unis. C'est pendant qu'elle travaillait dans une maternelle-conservatoire, et s'est formée à la méthode Montessori (diplômée en 2021), qu'elle a développé une compréhension fondamentale du rôle important que la musique joue dans l'éducation de la petite enfance. Ainsi est né son fort désir d'intégrer la musique dans les écoles.

Bien que la famille d'Elena n'était pas particulièrement musicale, elle a commencé à jouer du piano à un jeune âge. A Paris, elle s'est plongée dans sa véritable passion du chant avec des leçons vocales. Son voyage a pris une tournure passionnante lorsqu'elle a découvert la pédagogie Music Together à l'école où elle travaillait. Elle s'est immédiatement connectée à la philosophie selon laquelle chaque enfant est né musicien et capable d'apprendre à exprimer sa musicalité.

Elle s'est inscrite avec son fils aux cours Music Together pour les bébés. L'expérience de partager de la musique avec son enfant et avec d'autres familles l'a profondément inspirée à suivre la formation pour enseigner Music Together. Elle est ravie de commencer ce nouveau chapitre, apportant la joie de la musique aux familles de Paris.

©2025 by Bébé Music Box. Proudly created with

Music Together art & logo design © 1992-2025 Music Together LLC. Music Together is a registered trademark. Music Together Family & Friends LLC is licensed by Music Together LLC. For more locations visit Music Together Worldwide

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